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We will accept unsolicited submissions for Issue 7 from December 1, 2023 to January 4, 2024.

We aim to send decisions for Issue 6 by September 15, 2023.

Submission Guidelines

Peripheries invites new and emerging artists, especially those who have traditionally not been represented in literary circles.


Please submit via the form below, with a brief artist's bio and the submissions attached. Please do not include identifying information in the file itself. 


We accept simultaneous submissions. If you wish to withdraw your submission or your submission has been accepted elsewhere, please write to us with this information (including where your piece has been accepted) in the same email chain of your original submission.


Barring exceptional circumstances, we do not publish the same contributor in consecutive issues.












































Please submit up to 6 poems of any length, in a single Word file. Please begin each poem on a new page. 






Please submit fiction, flash fiction, short stories, and excerpts from longer works. Submissions should be double spaced, less than 2500 words, and in Word.






We are interested in a wide array of prose in conventional and experimental forms, including aphorisms, manifestos, recipes, instruction manuals, and works of erasure, etc. We do not accept theoretical or academic prose or essays with footnotes. Prose submissions should be double-spaced, under 2500 words, and in Word.




Interviews and Book Reviews


Please query us with a brief pitch at to propose an interview or book review feature.





Visual Art


Please submit a collection of up to 10 pieces. We are open to photographs, paintings, drawings, and digital representations. Each piece should be saved as a JPG, PNG, or PDF format, and should be high resolution, at least 300 dpi. Only in exceptional cases do we accept landscape oriented artwork. In your cover letter, please include the title, original size, and media of each piece, as well as a brief artist statement about the pieces. Selected images may be used as cover art or art features.






Please submit experimental sound compositions saved as WAV or FLAC files.






If you would like to guest-edit a special folio, please send a pitch and lineup to

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